Jackie Matubia Fires Back at Auudi Rowa, Ready to Take Legal Action

 In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • Actresses Jackie Matubia and Auudi Rowa clashed over crediting issues in Matubia's new series Toxic, with Rowa accusing Matubia of calling her "bitter and insecure" and alleging non-payment for her role.

  • Matubia refuted Rowa's claims, emphasizing the need for proof and expressing her readiness to involve lawyers to resolve the payment dispute.

Auudi Rowa and Jackie Matubia
In a recent spat between actresses Jackie Matubia and Auudi Rowa, tensions have flared over crediting issues in Matubia's new series, Toxic. 

Rowa took to Instagram to express her frustration, accusing Matubia of calling her "bitter and insecure" after she requested that her name be spelled correctly in the show's credits.

"Jackie Matubia just called me bitter and insecure just because I asked for my credits on her show to be written correctly. 

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Bitter and insecure and you can’t spell my name correctly," Rowa wrote in her Instagram stories.

Matubia, in response, invoked a biblical analogy to illustrate her perspective on the situation. 

"Hata Jesus alikuwa na disciples, same disciples kissed him on the cheek, sembuse Jackie Matubia?" she remarked, implying that even those closest can sometimes betray trust.

Matubia also challenged Rowa's claims of rudeness, suggesting that Rowa should provide concrete evidence if she is going to accuse someone of misconduct. 

"She saying I talked rude, if you want to come out and say someone has done, don’t quote, give the screenshots," Matubia countered, emphasizing the need for proof over allegations.

The dispute didn't stop at name-calling and crediting issues. Matubia addressed more serious allegations from Rowa, who claimed she was not compensated for her role in the series. 

"Anyway, watch Toxic and make her the money she never paid us. A befitting name for the show for the befitting creator," said Rowa.

Matubia defended herself, asserting that she has evidence of the payment and is prepared to take legal action if necessary. 

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"I feel like we need to involve our lawyers because when we have payment messages and someone says they were not paid, then that's beyond social media," Matubia stated, underscoring her readiness to resolve the matter through legal channels.
