Drama As MCA Breaks Leg While Resisting Arrest In Machakos


Boniface Maeke, the MCA of Kalama Ward cries outside the Machakos Law Courts on January 31, 2024 after breaking a leg while resisting arrest

In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • Machakos Law Courts witness dramatic events involving a Member of the County Assembly (MCA).

  • Boniface Maeke, MCA for Kalama Ward, suffers a broken leg during an attempted arrest by the county inspectorate.

  • Maeke was at the court to support Douglas Musyoka, his counterpart, arrested for alleged violations in constructing his Machakos residence.

  • Maeke forcefully detained by over six men outside the court but resisted entering county vehicles.

  • The MCA, with a broken ankle, was escorted by the Machakos OCS to the police station, recorded a statement, and later received medical attention at the hospital.

Machakos Arrest Turns Dramatic as MCA Suffers Broken Leg While Resisting Detention

Dramatic scenes unfolded at the Machakos Law Courts on Wednesday, involving a Member of the County Assembly (MCA) who ended up with a broken leg during an attempt to resist arrest by the county inspectorate.

Boniface Maeke, representing Kalama Ward, had visited the Machakos court to show support for Douglas Musyoka, his counterpart from Masii/Vyulya. 

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Musyoka had been apprehended on Tuesday, accused of violating county government regulations in the construction of his residence in Machakos.

Outside the court premises, Maeke was specifically targeted by law enforcement officers, resulting in a forceful arrest by a group of over six men. Despite being forcefully detained, he vehemently resisted boarding the county vehicles.

The intense struggle led to Maeke suffering a broken ankle during the incident. Following the arrest, he was escorted by the Machakos Officer in Charge of Station (OCS) to the police station, where he provided a statement detailing the events. 

Subsequently, he was taken to the hospital for medical attention. The arrest and the injuries sustained add a layer of complexity to the ongoing situation surrounding the alleged violations of county regulations by the MCAs.
