Boda Boda Rider Arrested for Abducting a Form 2 Girl in Kitengela

 In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • A 16-year-old Form Two girl in Kitengela, missing for four days, was rescued in a police sting operation after being held captive by a boda boda rider.

  • The girl's ordeal involved being confined by the suspect, who had lured her under false pretenses, but she managed to alert her family through photos sent from her confiscated phone, leading to her rescue and the impending legal action against the suspect.


In Kitengela, a 16-year-old Form Two girl has been reunited with her family after a harrowing four-day disappearance.

The breakthrough came through a police sting operation in the neighborhood, led by officers from Kitengela.

The girl had been held captive by a man described as a boda boda rider, approximately 40 years old, according to police reports.

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Family members, relieved by her return, disclosed that the girl was discovered locked inside the rider's residence. 

They recounted the distress since her disappearance last Wednesday but chose not to disclose their identity to protect the minor's privacy. 

Police investigations revealed that the suspect would confine the girl during the day, leaving for work and returning later in the evening.

The ordeal began when the girl went missing after setting out to visit a cobbler to mend her shoes in preparation for school reopening. 

She had boarded the suspect's motorbike the day before, ostensibly to reach the cobbler. 

However, instead of taking her to the cobbler as agreed, the rider allegedly collected the shoes himself and concealed this fact from the girl.

Narrating her experience to the police, the girl recounted how the man lured her into his house under false pretenses and confiscated her mobile phone upon arrival. 

She detailed how he provided food and alcohol, coercing her to consume it after feeding him. 

Despite the captivity, she managed to retrieve her phone while the suspect was occupied elsewhere, snapping photos of her surroundings and sending them to her mother for help.

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The crucial images facilitated a successful rescue operation by the police, leading to the girl's liberation. 

Subsequently, she underwent medical examinations and treatment at a hospital. 

Meanwhile, the suspect is slated to face charges in court in Kajiado on Monday, marking a step towards justice in this distressing ordeal.
