CS Machogu Releases 2023 KCSE Results: 48,174 Candidates Scored E Grade


Education PS Belio Kipsang (left) speaks with CS Ezekiel Machogu (right) during release of KCSE results on Monday

In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • CS Ezekiel Machogu released the 2023 KCSE results, noting improved student performance.

  • Gender distribution: 450,554 male and 448,899 female candidates out of 899,453.

  • School-level distribution: 899 National schools, 172 extra-county, 143 private, 5 County, and 7 Sub-County schools.

  • 201,133 students achieved C+ and above, an increase from 2022.

  • Grading system changes attributed to overall performance improvement.

  • 526,222 candidates scored D+ and above, a slight increase from 2022.

  • Concerns over 48,174 candidates receiving an E grade; immediate probe ordered.

  • Exam irregularities reported for 4,113 candidates, with 4 results cancelled and 4,109 withheld pending investigation.

  • Results accessible through KNEC website; website responsiveness issues noted.

  • Candidates retrieve results using index numbers and names from 2023 KCSE registration data.

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Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu officially released the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) results, noting a significant improvement in student performance compared to the 2022 cohort. The announcement was made at Moi Girls High School in Eldoret, where CS Machogu shared key insights into the results.

In terms of gender distribution, out of the 899,453 candidates, 450,554 were male, and 448,899 were female. The school-level distribution revealed that 899 candidates were from National schools, 172 from extra-county schools, 143 from private schools, 5 from County schools, and 7 from Sub-County schools.

A noteworthy achievement was the attainment of a C+ and above by 201,133 students, representing the minimum university entry qualification. This marked an improvement from 2022 when 173,345 students achieved the same grade. CS Machogu attributed this overall rise in performance to the changed grading system implemented in the examination.

In terms of specific grades, candidates scoring D+ and above numbered 526,222, showing a slight increase from the 522,588 recorded in 2022. However, concerns were raised regarding the significant number of candidates who received an E grade (48,174). CS Machogu called for an immediate probe to investigate and provide an explanation for this high number of cases.

Addressing exam irregularities, a total of 4,113 candidates were reported to have been involved. Four candidates had their results canceled due to impersonation reports, while the results of the remaining 4,109 candidates will be withheld pending further investigations. A final decision is expected within 20 days.

Candidates were directed to access their results through the KNEC website or the specified URL: https://results.knec.ac.ke.

However, it was noted that the website was unresponsive at the time of publication. To retrieve results, candidates must enter their index numbers and names as per their registration data for the 2023 KCSE examination.

The announcement concluded with a commitment to promptly address the issues raised, ensuring transparency and fairness in the examination process.
