High Court Renders Naftali Kinuthia Guilty in Ivy Wangechi's Murder Case

The High Court in Eldoret has reached a verdict in the case of Naftali Kinuthia, the prime suspect in the murder of Moi University student Ivy Wangechi, who tragically lost her life four years ago.

A collage photo of Ivy Wangeci (left) and suspect in the murder case Naftali Kinuthia when he was arraigned in court on April 30, 2019 

In a virtual court session, Justice Reuben Githinji delivered a ruling, declaring Naftali Kinuthia guilty of the murder of Ivy Wangechi. 

The court found that the prosecution had convincingly demonstrated that Kinuthia had meticulously planned and executed the crime.

Justice Githinji emphasized that Kinuthia's actions were premeditated, as he had employed a lethal weapon—an axe—to carry out the murder, leaving no chance for Wangechi to survive.

The judge pointed out, "If he did not intend to kill her, he would not have used a weapon; his fists would have sufficed."

During his defense, Kinuthia argued that Wangechi's actions had provoked him, as she had left him for another man. He further contended that he had invested both emotionally and financially in their relationship, but his love and generosity had not been reciprocated as he had hoped.

However, Justice Githinji clarified that there was no evidence to substantiate the claim of a sexual relationship between the two individuals. The judge noted that even the examination of text messages failed to establish the existence of an intimate relationship, and Kinuthia could not prove a sexual connection with the deceased.

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In the course of the court session, Wangechi's family demanded that Kinuthia be handed the maximum sentence for the death of their loved one.

In light of this, the judge adjourned the court proceedings to November 22, 2023, for the purpose of mitigation and sentencing.

Ivy Wangechi, a student pursuing a degree in medicine at Moi University, met a tragic end when she was brutally attacked and killed outside the university premises on April 9, 2019. 

Preliminary reports from law enforcement officials indicated that Kinuthia had requested a meeting with Wangechi outside her class, during which he hacked her to death and slit her throat. He had reportedly traveled from Nairobi to Eldoret armed with an axe and a knife.

Initially, Kinuthia had denied the allegations of murder, but he later confessed to the crime, describing it as a crime of passion.
