Gen Z Unveils More Demands in Protest's New Phase

 In a hurry? Here’s a quick summary…

  • Gen Z-led protests against the Finance Bill 2024 have expanded to demand broader government accountability, including calls for President Ruto's resignation and the scrapping of controversial policies and positions.

  • Protesters are also demanding compliance with court orders, transparency in public fund usage, dismissal of officials with criminal records, and redirection of funds to essential services like education and healthcare.

Following the success of the anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests, driven largely by the power of Gen Z, the demonstrations have evolved into broader calls for government accountability, with new demands emerging. 

Initially focused on rejecting the tax proposals in the bill, the protests led to several days of unrest, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries before the government acknowledged the public's opposition.

The delay in responding to the demands against the Finance Bill 2024 has opened the door for additional concerns to be raised. 

Some protesters are now even calling for President Ruto's resignation. A list of demands, circulated online and labeled “non-negotiable,” includes a call for the Executive to obey all court orders.

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Among the key demands are the scrapping of the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) position and other illegitimate offices that waste billions of shillings. 

Protesters are also demanding the removal of the controversial Housing Levy, a full audit and publication of the funds collected, and refunds for all contributors.

Government officials with criminal records and integrity issues are under scrutiny, with calls for their immediate dismissal. 

Additionally, protesters want to end public funding for the offices of the First Lady, Second Lady, and Prime Cabinet Secretary’s spouse, redirecting those funds to hire more teachers and doctors.

There are also demands to cap Members of Parliament's salaries and allowances at Ksh.200,000, reduce the wastage of public funds, and ensure government officials use public transportation. 

Protesters are pushing for the immediate firing of all officials with criminal records, the constitution of the IEBC within 30 days, and the employment of Junior Secondary School teachers and intern doctors.

Furthermore, the list calls for the restoration of the school feeding program and concludes with a demand for President Ruto's resignation. 

The focus now shifts to President William Ruto, who has yet to comment on the evolving demands from the Gen Z-led protests that have shaken the nation.
